
A Psalm and A Prayer
Psalm 140

L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
Teaching the Truth in Love

Psalm 140

Leader: Deliver me, O LORD, from evildoers. Protect me from those who are violent, who plan evil things in their minds and stir up wars continually.

People: They make their tongue sharp as a snake’s. Under their lips is the venom of vipers.

Leader: Guard me, O LORD, from the hands of the wicked. Protect me from the violent who have planned my downfall.

People: The arrogant have hidden a trap for me, and with cords they have spread a net. Along the road they have set snares for me.

Leader: I say to the LORD, “You are my God; give ear, O LORD, to the voice of my supplications.” O LORD, my Lord, my strong deliverer, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

People: I know that the LORD maintains the cause of the needy. He executes justice for the poor. Surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your name. The upright shall live in Your presence.

Lord Jesus, we live in a troubled world and suffer from those who do evil. Very often, our Christian family and friends face great dangers while serving You. Many who remain faithful to You suffer at the hands of those whose thoughts are filled with violence. Deliver us from temptation and save us from our enemies, that we might always honor and serve You as we pray, “Our Father. . .”

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