Psalm 119 eLeader: Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes,
and I will observe it to the end. Heavenly Father, as we begin a New Year, we recommit ourselves to You, to Your Son, to observing Your word, and to trusting in the Holy Spirit, Who will counsel and empower us daily. Give us a greater love for Your word written, so we will spend more time in the study of the Scriptures, time that You and Your word deserve. As we pray for others to come to know the Way of Salvation, help us serve You better as faithful witnesses for Jesus Christ, Who gave His life for us and in whose Name we pray. Amen. OR Heavenly Father, as we begin a new week, we recommit ourselves to You, to Your only begotten Son, to observing Your word, and to trusting in the Holy Spirit, Who will counsel and empower us daily. Give us a greater love for Your word written, so we will spend more time in the study of the Scriptures, time that You and Your word deserve. As we pray for others to come to know Your Son, the only Way of Salvation, help us serve You better as faithful witnesses of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave His life to save us from sin and taught us to pray, “Our Father . . . .” Copy and Paste the Psalm and the Prayer above for use in a bulletin for public worship. See Additional Bible Study Resources and BooksCopyright © 2016 L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Permission Granted for Not for Profit Use. All Rights Reserved. |