Psalm 22b
Leader: O Lord, I will tell of your name to my brothers and sisters. In the midst of the congregation I will praise you! People: You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him. Stand in awe of him! Leader: For he did not despise or abhor the affliction of the afflicted. He did not hide his face from me, but heard when I cried to him. People: All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord. All the families of the nations shall worship before him. Posterity will serve him. Future generations will be told about the Lord, and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn. Heavenly Father, we trust in You and in Your word completely. We praise You and honor You for the gift of eternal life, made possible for us by the death of Your only Son for our sins. We bow down before Jesus Christ, Your one and only Son Whom You raised from the dead. We offer up our prayers to You, through the One seated at Your right hand in glory. We know that we can depend on Your saving presence each day of our lives, for Jesus Christ intercedes for us daily. Fill us now with Your Holy Spirit, so our worship and praise will be acceptable in Your sight, even as we pray using the words Jesus Christ taught us: “Our Father. . .” See Additional Bible Study Resources and BooksCopyright © 2016 L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Permission Granted for Not for Profit Use. All Rights Reserved. |