Psalm 79Leader: Do not remember against us the iniquities
of our ancestors. Leader: Deliver us, and forgive our sins, for
your name’s sake. Leader: According to your great power preserve
us. O God, sometimes we feel surrounded by our enemies. Sometimes those we have elected to lead us have turned from You and have brought us disgrace. Our enemies mock You, the God we serve, and they ridicule us for trusting in You as King of the universe. Sometimes we also feel as though we will always lose the battles against sin and temptation within us. Grant us the victories we need as we pray in the name of Jesus Christ: “Our Father. . .” Copy and Paste the Psalm and the Prayer above for use in a bulletin or public worship. See Additional Bible Study Resources and BooksCopyright © 2016 L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Permission Granted for Not for Profit Use. All Rights Reserved. |