
A Psalm and A Prayer
Psalm 82

L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
Teaching the Truth in Love

Psalm 82

Leader: God has taken his place in the divine council to hold judgment!

People: He asks the rulers, “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?”

Leader: Give justice to the weak and the orphan. Maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute.

People: Rescue the weak and the needy. Deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Leader: The wicked have neither knowledge nor understanding. They walk around in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.

People: Rise up, O God, judge the earth; for all the nations belong to you!

O God, we praise You and thank You for Your watch care over us and all Your people on Earth. We know that You hold the wicked accountable for their deeds. You require justice and mercy from the rulers of the nations. O God, show us what we can do as Your people to uphold justice and extend mercy to all in every way that we wisely can. As You bestow blessings upon us, help us to be opened handed with our gifts, so we can help the weak and needy. Give healing to all those who are sick, and help us to intercede for others daily, even as we pray in Jesus’ Name: “Our Father. . .”

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