Ideal for Personal Study, Home and Mid-week Bible Groups, and Sunday Schools!
International Bible Study Commentary
& International Bible Lesson Verse-by-Verse Bible Studies L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Teaching the Truth in Love
These suggestions may help you, but feel free to use them the best way for you.
First, print out a Scripture Handout for each student in your class, which is available in 3 different translations of the Bible. Use the Navigation Bar to select the Bible version you prefer. Consider
giving these out in 3 different translations (one to each student) for comparing different translations during class discussion and comparing with the preferred Bible translation of your students. After prayer, use the first few minutes of class for each student to quietly complete the Scripture Handout. You will find great educational and spiritual value having each student write out their assigned verse or verses. The Holy Spirit seems to bless the effort by giving new and deeper understandings of the Word of God. This Scripture Handout may also be given out a week in advance for home study preparation for your Bible study group or Sunday school: that may be the preferred method for most so there is more time for class discussion.
Second, discuss each verse in the Bible Lesson using the Scripture Handout. The class leader or teacher can add to the discussion using the International Bible Study Commentary provided on this website. Consider what each verse says and what each verse means personally. After discussing each verse, read the International Bible Lesson handout and/or give one to each class member (consider using the Bulletin size for printing out and the large size for the visually impaired).
Third, discuss the Questions for Discussion and Thinking Further that are available on the International Bible Lesson handout, and the International Bible Study Commentary. Use the Teacher Discussion Study Hints to help with discussion. The Teacher Discussion Study Hints are also available on each Bible Version page.
Fourth, handout the Crossword Puzzles, Word Search Puzzles, and True and False Tests to those who have an interest in completing them at home or as a review of the lesson at the close of class.
Fifth, if you do not give a Scripture Handout to your students after class, consider giving a Class Preparation Guide to each student so they can prepare for the next week's lesson. The questions on the Class Preparation Guide are the same as those in the International Bible Study Commentary, the International Bible Lesson, and the Teacher Discussion Study Hints.
Seventh, Click on the CONTENTS tab for earlier lessons!
International Bible Study Commentary
& International Bible Lesson
Verse-by-Verse Bible Studies
L.G. Parkhurst, Jr.
Teaching the Truth in Love
These suggestions may help you, but feel free to use them the best way for you.
First, print out a Scripture Handout for each student in your class, which is available in 3 different translations of the Bible. Use the Navigation Bar to select the Bible version you prefer. Consider giving these out in 3 different translations (one to each student) for comparing different translations during class discussion and comparing with the preferred Bible translation of your students. After prayer, use the first few minutes of class for each student to quietly complete the Scripture Handout. You will find great educational and spiritual value having each student write out their assigned verse or verses. The Holy Spirit seems to bless the effort by giving new and deeper understandings of the Word of God. This Scripture Handout may also be given out a week in advance for home study preparation for your Bible study group or Sunday school: that may be the preferred method for most so there is more time for class discussion.
Second, discuss each verse in the Bible Lesson using the Scripture Handout. The class leader or teacher can add to the discussion using the International Bible Study Commentary provided on this website. Consider what each verse says and what each verse means personally. After discussing each verse, read the International Bible Lesson handout and/or give one to each class member (consider using the Bulletin size for printing out and the large size for the visually impaired).
Third, discuss the Questions for Discussion and Thinking Further that are available on the International Bible Lesson handout, and the International Bible Study Commentary. Use the Teacher Discussion Study Hints to help with discussion. The Teacher Discussion Study Hints are also available on each Bible Version page.
Fourth, handout the Crossword Puzzles, Word Search Puzzles, and True and False Tests to those who have an interest in completing them at home or as a review of the lesson at the close of class.
Fifth, if you do not give a Scripture Handout to your students after class, consider giving a Class Preparation Guide to each student so they can prepare for the next week's lesson. The questions on the Class Preparation Guide are the same as those in the International Bible Study Commentary, the International Bible Lesson, and the Teacher Discussion Study Hints.
Seventh, Click on the CONTENTS tab for earlier lessons!
Discuss each Week's Bible Lesson with Other Teachers and Students.