Create Your Own Bible Study Book
Print the pages below and use them to write your own brief summaries chapter-by-chapter of what you read each day, or questions you have from your daily reading, or new truths you have learned, or ideas for teaching or preaching to share with others. In a discussion class, each participant can briefly share what they learned or the questions they had that others could help answer.
Punch holes in the pages to place them in a three-ring binder. Print out and put your name on the Book Cover and put the Date on each page when you complete the reading. Use Saturday or Sunday as a "catch up" day if you get behind in your reading. If you get behind, there is no reason why you cannot complete these readings in 26 or 52 or more weeks. Eventually, you will have created your own chapter-by-chapter summary of the New Testament.
If you need more pages for any given reading for the day, simply print out a second or third page. If you are teaching through the New Testament, use these pages for study notes. If you are in a class that is studying through the New Testament, you may want to use these note pages for taking notes during class. Your Bible Study Book could then include your Bible study notes and your class notes in one Bible Study Book. Print as many pages as you need.[Sample Completed Pages for the Gospel of Matthew are below for your to print if you like: for those interested in seeing how you might write your own noies of the Gospel of Matthew and the other books you will study for creating your own book.]
Sample Completed Pages for the Gospel of Matthew
Week 1, Day 1, Monday, Matthew 1-4
Week 1, Day 2, Tuesday, Matthew 5-7
Week 1, Day 3, Wednesday, Matthew 8-12
Week 1, Day 4, Thursday, Matthew 13-15
Week 1, Day 5, Friday, Matthew 16-19
Week 1, Day 6, Saturday, Matthew 20-23
Week 2, Day 1, Monday, Matthew 24-26
Week 2, Day 2, Tuesday, Matthew 27-28
Book Cover for Study The New Testament In Thirteen Weeks [Print this cover for your book]
Week 1: Matthew 1-23
Week 1 – Day 1 [Matthew 1 - 4]
Week 1 – Day 2 [Matthew 5 – 7]
Week 1 – Day 3 [Matthew 8 – 12]
Week 1 – Day 4 [Matthew 13 – 15]
Week 1 – Day 5 [Matthew 16 – 19]
Week 1 – Day 6 [Matthew 20 – 23]
Week 2: Matthew 24-Mark 12
Week 2 – Day 1 [Matthew 24 - 26]
Week 2 – Day 2 [Matthew 27 - 28]
Week 2 – Day 3 [Mark 1 - 3]
Week 2 – Day 4 [Mark 4 - 6]
Week 2 – Day 5 [Mark 7 - 9]
Week 2 – Day 6 [10 - 12]
Week 3: Mark 13-Luke 11
Week 3 – Day 1 [Mark 13 - 16]
Week 3 – Day 2 [Luke 1 - 2]
Week 3 – Day 3 [Luke 3 - 5]
Week 3 – Day 4 [Luke 6 - 7]
Week 3 – Day 5 [Luke 8 - 9]
Week 3 – Day 6 [Luke 10 - 11]
Week 4: Luke
12 - John 4
Week 4 – Day 1 [Luke 12 - 13]
Week 4 – Day 2 [Luke 14 - 16]
Week 4 – Day 3 [Luke 17 - 19]
Week 4 – Day 4 [Luke 20 - 22]
Week 4 – Day 5 [Luke 23 - 24]
Week 4 – Day 6 [John 1 - 4]
Week 5: John 5 - 19
Week 5 – Day 1 [John 5 - 6]
Week 5 – Day 2 [John 7 - 8]
Week 5 – Day 3 [John 9 - 11]
Week 5 – Day 4 [John 12 - 14]
Week 5 – Day 5 [John 15 - 17]
Week 5 – Day 6 [John 18 - 19]
Week 6: John 20 - Acts 13
Week 6 – Day 1 [John 20 - 21]
Week 6 – Day 2 [Acts 1 - 3]
Week 6 – Day 3 [Acts 4 - 6]
Week 6 – Day 4 [Acts 7 - 8]
Week 6 – Day 5 [Acts 9 - 10]
Week 6 – Day 6 [Acts 11 - 13]
Week 7: Acts 14 – Romans 3
Week 7 – Day 1 [Acts 14 - 16]
Week 7 – Day 2 [Acts 17 - 19]
Week 7 – Day 3 [Acts 20 - 22]
Week 7 – Day 4 [Acts 23 - 26]
Week 7 – Day 5 [Acts 27 - 28]
Week 7 – Day 6 [Romans 1 - 3]
Week 8: [Romans 4 - 1 Corinthians 8]
Week 8 – Day 1 [Romans 4 - 7]
Week 8 – Day 2 [Romans 8 - 10]
Week 8 – Day 3 [Romans 11 - 14]
Week 8 – Day 4 [Romans 15 - 16]
Week 8 – Day 5 [1 Corinthians 1 - 4]
Week 8 – Day 6 [1 Corinthians 5 - 8]
Week 9: [1 Corinthians 9 - Galatians 3]
Week 9 – Day 1 [1 Corinthians 9 - 12]
Week 9 – Day 2 [1 Corinthians 13 - 16]
Week 9 – Day 3 [2 Corinthians 1 - 5]
Week 9 – Day 4 [2 Corinthians 6 - 10]
Week 9 – Day 5 [2 Corinthians 11 - 13]
Week 9 – Day 6 [Galatians 1 - 3]
Week 10: [Galatians 4 - 1 Thessalonians 5]
Week 10 – Day 1 [Galatians 4 - 6]
Week 10 – Day 2 [Ephesians 1 - 3]
Week 10 – Day 3 [Ephesians 4 - 6]
Week 10 – Day 4 [Philippians 1 - 4]
Week 10 – Day 5 [Colossians 1 - 4]
Week 10 – Day 6 [1 Thessalonians 1 - 5]
Week 11: [2 Thessalonians 1 - Hebrews 5]
Week 11 – Day 1 [2 Thessalonians 1 - 3]
Week 11 – Day 2 [1 Timothy 1 - 6]
Week 11 – Day 3 [2 Timothy 1 - 4]
Week 11 – Day 4 [Titus 1 - 3]
Week 11 – Day 5 [Philemon 1]
Week 11 – Day 6 [Hebrews 1 - 5]
Week 12: [Hebrews 6 - 1 John 5]
Week 12 – Day 1 [Hebrews 6 - 9]
Week 12 – Day 2 [Hebrews 10 - 13]
Week 12 – Day 3 [James 1 - 5]
Week 12 – Day 4 [1 Peter 1 - 5]
Week 12 – Day 5 [2 Peter 1 - 3]
Week 12 – Day 6 [1 John 1 - 5]
Week 13: [2 John - Revelation 22]
Week 13 – Day 1 [2 John - Jude]
Week 13 – Day 2 [Revelation 1- 3]
Week 13 – Day 3 [Revelation 4- 8]
Week 13 – Day 4 [Revelation 9- 12]
Week 13 – Day 5 [Revelation 13- 17]
Week 13 – Day 6 [Revelation 18- 22]
The International Bible Study Commentary, the International Bible Study Forum, the Study The New Testament In Thirteen Weeks websites and all materials by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. linked on the websites including all content are copyright © 2010 to the present by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Content is available for not for profit use. All rights reserved.